近期主要的代表性论文、著作、专利 1. W.F. Rao*, Y.C. Xu, C. Hu and A.G. Khachaturyan, “Magnetoelastic Equilibrium and Super-magnetostriction in Highly Defected Pre-transitional Materials” Acta Mater., 188, 539 (2020). 2. Y.C. Xu, C. Hu, L. Liu, J. Wang, W.F. Rao*, J.W. Morris and A.G. Khachaturyan “A nano-embryonic mechanism for Superelasticity, Elastic Softening, Invar and Elinvar Effects in Defected Pre-Transitional Materials,”Acta Mater., 171, 240 (2019). 3. Y.C. Xu, W.F. Rao*, J.W. Morris and A.G. Khachaturyan, “Nano-embryonic Thermoelastic Equilibrium and Enhanced Properties in Defected Pre-Transitional Materials,”npj Comp. Mater., 4,58 (2018). 4. Y.C. Xu, L.W. Liu, F.D. Ma, J Wang and W.F. Rao*, “Large Enhancement of Magnetic-Field-Induced Strain in Two-Phase Ferromagnetic Nanodispersions” Phy. Rev. B, 98, 094110 (2018). |